Standard Products are simple, unconfigured items in your catalog which do not have or need advanced configurator controls.
Examples standard products include
- an accessory to your more complex products, such as a tool for assembly or maintenance.
- a sub-assembly found in a configured product, and sold as a spare part.
- a warranty, service plan, or other non-configurable service or add-on.
On the Products page, you can view a product's properties by clicking on its name. Use the buttons at the bottom of the browser to add, clone, or delete products.
On a particular product's properties page, you will find the properties listed below. Use the buttons at the bottom of the browser to delete the product, save your changes, or cancel the changes and return to the products page.
Property | Description |
Name | The name of the configurator as it appears in the products list you users see, the configurators list administrators see, and elsewhere. |
Short Description | A description of the product, displayed next to the product name in some user-facing product lists. |
Active | If the configurator should appear on the Products page for users to see and interact with. Set this to "false" to hide your configurator. |
SKU | Any standard Stock Keeping Unit, or Product Code, which uniquely defines this product. |
Manufacturer's Part Number | Any part number for this product defined by the manufacturer. |
Manufacturer | The name or other reference to the manufactuerer. |
Unit of Measure | Usually set to "ea." meaning "each." Set to another unit if required. For example, this configured product may also be sold by the yard (e.g., a custom cable), by the kilogram (e.g, a chemical powder), or some other unit. |
Allow Fractional Quantity | Usually set to false. Set to true to allow your customer to buy a fractional quantity, such as a 1.5 yards of cable, or 3.25kg of powder. |
Price | The price which would appear next to this product when it's listed on the Products page, before a user opens it and begins configuring it. Also known as a "base price". |
Cost | Your internal cost of the product. This sensitive information is not shown to the customer. |
Minimum/Maximum Quantity | Specify the minimum and maximum quantities that can be purchased on one quote, if any. |
Max Discount Percentage | The maximum discount which could be applied to the product's price when it is added to a quote. |
Related Products Query |
Defines what other products would appear in the "related products" list shown at the bottom of this product's details page. For example, if you have a related products query of "Box", then any product that has the term "Box" in its name, sku, or description will show up as a related product to this one. Syntax By default, all terms are optional, as long as one term matches. A search for The preferred operators are
states that:
Multiple terms or clauses can be grouped together with parentheses, to form sub-queries: For full details on all advanced syntax available,learn more here. |
Score |
Controls the order in which the product appears in the products page. The higher the score, the closer to the top of the list this product will appear. |
Categories | |
Products can be added to one or more categories. Products will only be visible to a user when that user has access to at least one of the categories the product is assigned to. |
Volume Discounts | |
If this item's price should drop when the quantity on the quote increases, you can define one or more volume discount thresholds. For example, with the following settings, a user adding one item gets no discount. Adding 5,6,7,8, or 9 items results in a 3% discount on those items. Adding 10 or more items results in a 5% discount on those items. |
Attributes | |
If you have implemented faceted search on any of your categories, and added this product to those categories, then you can set the search facet attributes here. |
Details | |
Add a rich-text description of the product.
Media | |
Add one or more images from the Media folder here, and they will appear to your users in the configurator's "Details" page. The first image will also be the default product image shown in the products page. |
Localizing Products
To localize your product into different languages, follow these steps:
1. Setup the languages in the company settings
To add translations of a specific language for your product, you must first have added this language to your company settings. Learn how
2. Open the translate dialog
In the category admin screen, click on the 'Translate' button in the bottom toolbar.
3. Add translations for your product properties
The translation dialog will show a list of all the properties that can be translated. There will be a column showing your terms for these items in your default language, and a column for each additional language you have chosen to support in your company settings.
4. Save your translations
Missing translations that need your attention are shown in red. To add missing translations, select the cell in the table and start typing. You can also auto-translate all the missing translations by clicking on the 'Auto-Translate' button, which will use the Google Translate API to fill in your missing translations.
To save your translations, click on 'OK', and then save the product.
When you add more products to your catalog, remember to come back to the translations dialog and add the missing translations. If translation text is missing, then the base language text will be used instead.