Workflow Selector

The Workflow Selector is a global snap rule that routes submitted quotes into their proper workflows.

It is also the location where you define your company's default workflow.



Start simple. For most implementations, one workflow can process all quotes. Therefore, there is no need to write Snap code. Just choose an existing workflow from the drop-down list above the Snap workspace. In the screenshot above, the workflow named "Default Workflow" has been set as the default.


Add logic when needed. In some implementations, a quote may need to be routed to one of several workflows. The logic within a workflow selector can get details about a quote and, depending on its properties, send it to one workflow versus another. In the example here, the default workflow is always overridden with either "Price Workflow" or "Base Flow".


Some things to remember:

  • The workflow that the quote gets sent to can only be set once, here, when it is submitted. When a quote enters that workflow, it cannot get transferred to another workflow unless it gets unsubmitted and then resubmitted.
  • Leave a default workflow specified, even if that workflow is always overridden by Snap code shown below it. This can help ensure that quotes proceed through a workflow process. This can prevent an unusual situation where no workflow is assigned to the quote, and it cannot be processed.
  • If you use one default workflow, and that workflow becomes long and complicated, consider breaking it into multiple smaller workflows, and use a workflow selector to route quotes to the correct workflow.
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