Library Feature

A Library Feature output field allows a configurator to place a library feature in a part or assembly of a CAD file. When creating a library feature, it is critical that the proper references are provided to Epicor CPQ in order to successfully place the library feature. Library feature output fields can also be created dynamically via Snap.

Depending on the CAD platform you use, some properties of this feature or the feature itself may not be available.


Property Datatype Description
Name text The name of the output field. Used for referring to this output field in snap rules.
Filepath text

The file path property should be set to the relative path of the library feature part in the template library.

If you want to use a file from the local file system of an output builder machine as opposed to a file in the cloud template library, then provide an absolute path to this file.

Component ID text The full name of the component model that the library feature will be placed in. It is recommended to capture the component model using the Epicor CPQ Capture Tool and pass in its full name property.
Part Family text Specifies the configuration of the library feature added.

Dimensions and References


  • Library Feature Reference output field allows a configurator to set the references of a library feature during library feature creation/placement.

  • Library Feature Dimension output field allows a configurator to modify dimensions of a library feature during library feature creation/placement.

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