UI Layouts visually organize the elements, buttons or even other layouts within a configurator page. By placing elements within a layout component, you guide your user visually through the page and make it easier to understand. A number of layout components are available for use in your configurator's user interface. Each of these can be used to simplify the user's experience and make using the configurator as easy as possible.
UI Layouts or Configurator Layouts?
This describes UI Layouts: ways you can add and rearrange individual user interface elements within the Configurator pane of the user interface. If you're interested in changing the overall structure for the entire user interface, learn more about the configurator layouts.
Pages are the top-level component of your configurator's user interface.
Tabs / Tab Controls
Tabs / TabControls let you create groups of equal importance in your user interface, with those groups appearing horizontally.
Grids let you align multiple fields in an attractive layout in your user interface.
Groups are used to organize related fields in a configurator. One or many groups can be on a configurator page.
Expanders and Accordions
Expanders(which can exist alone, or grouped together into an Accordion) let you create groups of equal importance in your user interface, with those groups appearing vertically.
Containers define the appearance and flow for large areas of the user interface.
Nested Sets
Nested Sets allow you to show nested child configurators within your parent configurator in various other ways.