Capturing CAD Output Fields

The Capture Tool can be used to capture the specific CAD entities (features, components, annotations, etc.) found in your CAD template which you would like to control in your configurator output.  These entities are referred to using CAD output fields. Before you begin, you can review the full list of CAD output fields available.

To capture any output field in a CAD file, you must first upload that file into the templates directory.  Once in this folder, the file becomes available throughout your Epicor CPQ platform as a template, and any appropriate CAD output field can be captured within it. 

How to Start a Capture

  1. Upload a CAD file to the templates directory.
  2. Launch the capture tool, as described here.

How to Capture a Dimension Field

To capture a dimension, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the dimension in the CAD window
  2. Press the 'Get Selected' button in the Capture Tool.  This gets the External Id of the dimension you selected and fills it into the textbox.
  3. Press the 'Add to Configurator' button.  This will add the dimension output field to the list below.
  4. Enter a friendly name for the output field, which you will use to refer to this output field in rules. 
    In the example here, you'll see the output field names all start with "sw" which helps remind us, as we later write our rules, that these are fields in our SolidWorks template.

How to Capture Custom Properties

Since custom properties do not exist in the graphics of the 3D model itself, there is a special button in the capture tool for capturing all of the custom properties in the model or drawing.  Clicking this button will capture all custom properties.  For those you don't need, you can delete them from the list after capturing.

How to Capture Other Entity Types

The process above for capturing a dimension is exactly how all other types of output fields are captured in both 3D models and drawings.  You can select the item in the model window of the CAD system, or in the model tree directly, then follow the process above.  Learn more about the different types of CAD output fields that can be captured.

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