CPQ-4060 3D - global materials on submeshes sampling error
CPQ-4051 3D - Library Materials not working in renders
CPQ-4050 3D - Annotations and dimensions not hidden when their (nested) scene they are part of is hidden
CPQ-4033 3D - hdr environment map resolution size options
CPQ-4023 Delete Inventor drawing sheet doesn't work
CPQ-4014 3D - Drag corruption
CPQ-3945 3D - Mobile controls for first person camera is unusable and does not obey disabling pan
CPQ-3787 3D - Minor UI Fixes
CPQ-4048 3D - Fix aliasing issues on plain textures
CPQ-4044 3D - Slow performance/load time on scenes with huge numbers of custom mesh nodes
CPQ-4003 3D - Library materials metallic not getting set correctly
CPQ-3986 3D - Multimaterials from submeshes should be cleaned up
CPQ-3985 3D - Don't allow deleting global materials. Archive instead?
CPQ-3821 3D - Option to limit camera position
New Feature
CPQ-3680 3D - Feature Visualizations
CPQ-3064 Role-Based Permissions to View Configurator