All updates for this release
New Feature
- CPQ-1228 Start linking to the wiki from Snap help. Especially for output fields and other blocks where the concept of what they control isn't obvious
- CPQ-1213 Add ExternalID field to Users for cross-referencing other systems
- CPQ-1243 Improvements to buddy blocks
- CPQ-1210 Additional Functionality for Rounding Block
- CPQ-1184 Image Select shows the thumbnail and not the original image resized. The image becomes blurry if it is big
- CPQ-857 Add more snap integrated help
- CPQ-1242 Mutating blocks appears to enter a stack overflow if help page is open
- CPQ-1241 Date format for padded day ($dd) is not padding
- CPQ-1233 Safe Function sourced option filters are erroring out if any of the properties that are being bound to fields are null
- CPQ-1231 Emails in Workflows prevent "GoTo" Blocks from working
- CPQ-1229 Salesforce Account ending up as duplicate customers in KBMax, and not correctly setting the reference of the quote to the customer
- CPQ-1211 Before Build Write Log Error
- CPQ-1183 Image in configurator should be using the first image defined in the product
- CPQ-1176 When a pricing rule exists for a nested configurator but not the parent, the rule will not be run to fill in the quote product's price.