Issues 13 issues

Important highlights from this release

  1. The phased rollout for our new 3D player has begun!  The V2 player has improved load times of scenes (typically 5-10x faster), and new advanced graphic capabilities.  The support is experimental right now, and can be turned on in the company settings.
  2. A new field control called 'Media' which can be used to show a single image or video in your configurator pages.  See Fields for more details.

All updates for this release


  • CPQ-1293 V2 Player for 3D Scenes - Part I
  • CPQ-1292 Support click events in nested scenes
  • CPQ-1289 Discriminate CAD and CAD Drawing Output Fields in the UI based on the type of CAD
  • CPQ-1288 Solidworks: the sheet scale is wrongly propagated to the view scale
  • CPQ-1269 Rest API help - descriptions on properties of arguments
  • CPQ-1004 Switch to Redis cache 
  • CPQ-1006   Add a media field control, that can show a single image or video


  • CPQ-1280 Make sure that the Template files are getting sync'ed correctly
  • CPQ-1124 Download a new Extension may abort a build
  • CPQ-972 When permissions are changed, loggied in users are not invalidated in the cache.

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