Important highlights from this release
- You can now use a Safe Function call as the data source for an Option Filter, which opens up some exciting possibilities. For example, making a web service call to another business system, and using that as the source of data for your configurator select boxes. Click here to learn more.
- Global snap types. In the admin/resources menu, you will find a new listing for 'Global Definitions'. These are global snap type definitions that you can reference from anywhere.
- You can now control which queue a configurator build goes to through snap rules by adding a Before Build rule to the build itself in the admin tree.
- Rearranged the admin portal a little. Safe Functions and Generators have been moved to the resources group in the menu.
- Several bug fixes and improvements. See below for the full list!
All updates for this release
New Feature
- CPQ-1046 New snap block: "Add price item as child of"
- CPQ-1045 Ability for Option Filters to be sourced by a Safe Function
- CPQ-101 Be able to change the queue a build goes to based on a rule.
- CPQ-1044 Global Snap Types
- CPQ-1026 Set the spinning cube when a safe function is executed
- CPQ-1054 Option to set quote name in workflow rule
- CPQ-1036 Add content-type of form-data to snap REST block
- CPQ-9 Short-circuit value rules when stuck in a loop
- CPQ-1051 Using 'set number of nested configs' with more than one type of nested configurator not working
- CPQ-1048 Viewer media for nested configurators being ignored in running configurator
- CPQ-1047 Configurator won't open
- CPQ-1038 Checkbox with Option Filter not working correctly
- CPQ-1034 Output Builder shuts itself down after a long period of time
- CPQ-1029 Special characters in server rules (like the degrees character) being changed into incorrect character
- CPQ-1022 Validation Errors show as black/white instead of red in the 3D scene rules admin
- CPQ-1018 Price dialog not showing degrees character correctly
- CPQ-1003 When creating safe functions, they don't appear until you refresh the browser tab
- CPQ-870 V2 to V3 configurator convertor
- CPQ-614 Review & Merge PDM Extensions
- CPQ-117 Migrate to JIRA